Curbing Business Opportunity | Curb Depot

Business Opportunity

Everything you need, all in one place.

Start Your Own Landscape Curbing Business

Get the equipment, training, and on-going support you need to build a thriving landscape curbing business.


What is landscape curbing?

Landscape curbing is an in-demand industry that provides homes and commercial properties with stylish, durable concrete borders. Landscape curbing is typically done with specialized equipment and training. This means curbing professionals can provide a highly unique product with very little competition.

What do other curbers have to say?

Read Testimonials

How Much Can I Earn?

Landscape curbing is extremely profitable and in high-demand. Our curbing community often makes between $6 to $14 per foot of laid concrete, with only around 20% cost of materials and labor. This means that for a typical job of 200 feet, you can make between $900 and $2,200 profit.

Interested in learning more?

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Try Before You Buy

Starting a business on your own can seem like an intimidating thing to do, but it doesn’t need to be. We now offer training so you can test out the business to see if curbing is right for you. Ask about our Curbing 101 Training Course where you’ll learn everything about the business of curbing before you invest in your own curbing equipment.

Ready to get started?

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What are other curbers saying?

“The training was invaluable. If this is something you’re considering doing, the people at Curb Depot are an amazing resource.”

What are other curbers saying?

“If you’re looking for a company that’s looking to not only help you, but to bring up the industry as a whole–because they want to see everybody do a good job and everybody win–then The Curb Depot is the company for you.”

What are other curbers saying?

“If you’re looking for something to do on the weekends to add cash to your pocket, this is it.”

What are other curbers saying?

“The landscape curbing industry has given me so many opportunities to make a great living for not only myself and my family, but also my employees. Concrete curbing, compared to many of our other decorative concrete services that we offer, is by far our most efficient, profitable process.”

Price Per Linear Foot Linear Feet Installed Daily Daily Revenue Daily Labor Cost* Daily Material Cost Daily Gross Profit
$6.00 per foot
Style: Basic curb
200 $1,200.00 $150.00 $112.50 $937.50
400 $2,400.00 $250.00 $225.00 $1,925.00
600 $3,600.00 $400.00 $337.50 $2,862.50

Price Per Linear Foot Linear Feet Installed Daily Daily Revenue Daily Labor Cost* Daily Material Cost Daily Gross Profit
$8.00 per foot
Style: Color & Stamped Curb
200 $1,600.00 $200.00 $150.00 $1,250.00
400 $3,200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $2,600.00
600 $4,800.00 $450.00 $450.00 $3,900.00

Price Per Linear Foot Linear Feet Installed Daily Daily Revenue Daily Labor Cost* Daily Material Cost Daily Gross Profit
$10.00 per foot
Style: 6×6 Commercial Style Curbing
200 $2,000.00 $250.00 $225.00 $1,525.00
400 $4,000.00 $350.00 $550.00 $3,100.00
600 $6,000.00 $500.00 $675.00 $4,825.00

Price Per Linear Foot Linear Feet Installed Daily Daily Revenue Daily Labor Cost* Daily Material Cost Daily Gross Profit
$12.00 per foot
Style: Natural Stone Curb
200 $2,400.00 $150.00 $150.00 $2,100.00
400 $4,800.00 $250.00 $300.00 $4,250.00
600 $7,200.00 $400.00 $450.00 $6,350.00

See Examples of Curbing Profits

Example curbing job 1

Case Study #1: Basic Curb



Job Type:



Appleton, WI

Job Description:

200 linear feet, Slant Style, Stamped, Colored, Cable


$8.50 per linear foot

Job Total:


Labor Cost:


Material Cost:




Example curbing job 2

Case Study #2: Natural Stone



Job Type:



Appleton, WI

Job Description:

200 linear feet, Natural Stone


$12 per linear foot

Job Total:


Labor Cost:


Material Cost:




Ready to Order Your New Curbing Trailer? Request More Info.

Give us a call at (920) 740-2218 or simply fill out the form below to learn more about ordering your own Landscape Curbing Trailer.

    Starting a curbing businessThe Hartpen Curbing MachineThe Curbing TrailerNatural Stone or Basic Training

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    Start your own curbing company.

    Business Opportunity

    Learn how you can create your own thriving curbing business quickly and inexpensively. Take charge of your own income, be your own boss, and work how you want to. We’ve already been through the process of starting in this industry, so now we offer everything you need to start your own successful company.

    Find out what it takes to get started in the curbing business.

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    Earn more with natural stone.

    Natural Stone Training

    Earn on average $6 more per sq. ft. by offering your clients the robust and authentic look of natural stone. Only Curb Depot will give you all of the tools and training you need to create this look. Register for one of our classes today.

    Learn how to create an artisan style curb that your customers will pay top dollar for.

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