For years, we owned and operated a highly successful landscape curbing installation business. It was started in 1993 in Appleton, Wisconsin, and is still going strong today. In fact, it has produced record-breaking sales every year since its conception.
After years of industry success, we realized it was time to take our expertise to the next level. We wanted to raise the bar with quality curbing equipment and innovation not yet seen. We also wanted to teach people our techniques for successful landscape curbing in cold weather climates. To do this, we surrounded ourselves with proven engineers, fabricators, and business professionals. This group along with our sales, administration, and training team, comprises The Curb Depot staff today.
With years of proven industry experience and the staff mentioned above, you will find us to be the BEST option to provide you with the tools and knowledge to succeed in the landscape curbing industry.
Finally, The Curb Depot is honored to represent such an exciting and growing industry. Curbing is a very young branch of the already multi-billion dollar landscape industry and only continues to grow in its popularity. Landscape curbing is as solid of a business opportunity as there is in today’s landscape market.
Welcome to the Curb Depot family!
– Ryan Wolfrath | Founder
Start your own curbing company.
Business Opportunity
Learn how you can create your own thriving curbing business quickly and inexpensively. Take charge of your own income, be your own boss, and work how you want to. We’ve already been through the process of starting in this industry, so now we offer everything you need to start your own successful company.
Find out what it takes to get started in the curbing business.
Earn more with natural stone.
Natural Stone Training
Earn on average $6 more per sq. ft. by offering your clients the robust and authentic look of natural stone. Only Curb Depot will give you all of the tools and training you need to create this look. Register for one of our classes today.
Learn how to create an artisan style curb that your customers will pay top dollar for.